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How To Read My Stories So No One Freaks Out

I've been asked a lot about my books, especially the series ones. I have several. The common question is why I write the way I do. I fin...

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hidden: Evils Contract Signed

I am so stoked! My longish novella, Hidden: Evils, the very first work I managed to pen and finish, has finally found home in Wayward Ink Publishing. I had played around with the story for years but left it to dust. Since 2013, to be frank. It began with discovering a journal I had kept  and misplaced. Moving to a new home involved a lot of new discoveries and in one box, I found the journal. I had written the story years before but it was so drafty I could not quite manage to finish reading it myself. It actually began as a general-fiction story but my main female character, she did not quite read right. Also, I truly imagined her as the main man not a woman.