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I've been asked a lot about my books, especially the series ones. I have several. The common question is why I write the way I do. I fin...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Congratulations on your #NewRelease! #Contumancy @TarynJameson @GabriellaBrad #eXbdd

Earth is a cesspool of poverty and disease ruled over by one government, the World Leadership Organization, known as WLO. They will do anything to protect the wealthy, including sanction and fund the Institute—a highly classified facility that experiments on children and babies, then trains them to become emotionless killers.

Ripped from their families, sold, stolen, or kidnapped off the streets, these children and babies become the tools of the Institute and WLO to eliminate those that stand in the way of furthering their intergalactic agenda.

They are the Veiled Eliminators.

We are unique. We are the best. There is no one on Earth like us, and there never will be. We will succeed. We are strong beyond belief. We are the eliminators, and no one can touch us.

Read More for Book 5: Contumancy

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Update: The WIPs and What's Coming Next

Image result for a calling birdCurrent WIP: Too many LOL
Let me break it down for you.

At this minute, I just closed Chapter Four of A Calling Bird, my take on the 12 Days of Christmas 2019 eXtasy Books Call For Submissions. I have three or four more to go, so hopefully, I should be done this Sunday. I put a pretty tight schedule for myself. I aim to finish at least one chapter a day. Easily done on normal days. Unfortunately, there are quite a few distractions. This is the reason why I decided to get off social media for a while until I finish it. But then I got distracted and decided to give you guys an update.

Another in the works is Tarragon Rising. This is the fourth installment to the Rise of the Symbionts Vol. I series I got going.

Third...I am not quite sure what this is exactly, but it's definitely a Hidden installment. October is coming up and I want this done and out by then.

Taboo, the fifth installment is in the works. I'm not sure when this is going to be released. I'll give another update as soon as.

Now, what's Coming Soon? Three books. All three are short paranormals, again, sorry about that. I know some of you don't really like novellas, but I love writing them. Also, when I saw the call, I knew I needed to get the stories out there.

        • Staked: Unchained, with Lynn Michaels: Unchain the vampire? Let the carnage begin.
        • Scorched Souls: His Gentle Incubus: A not so typical love story.
        • Staked: The Knockers: Can a vampire be mastered?

What about the others? Well, they're on hold until I get through with my current ones. Until then, take advantage of the Mother's Day Savings Event. It's good until May 16th...that's only hours left! Click HERE for my back titles and enjoy great discounts.

Here's the cover for His Gentle Incubus. This is the same cover for all of the books included in the Scorched Souls books.
