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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Life On Lockdown: An Update On What's Going On With This Author

Hi, peeps! It's been a while since I've posted a blog. The last time I gave an update about real life was May 15th of this year and we'd been on lockdown for about three months. Fast forward to today and a lot has changed.

First off, we're still on lockdown. There was a point when we enjoyed a momentary respite and could go around the island. That lasted a good two weeks but the numbers surged once more, much to my disgust. People acted irresponsibly and reverted to the pre-pandemic days and so, here we are. Stuck at home, fearing the what-ifs, and personally, feeling the loss of a nephew who fell victim to this dreadful disease. My street in my village is restricted from movements because a family was infected. The local government lacks the capacity to provide the proper support so have advised the asymptomatic individuals to stay at home and brave for recovery. Across the street, another family got infected simply because one member decided he was going to brave going out in public without a mask. 

I can go on and on with my rant against those who refuse to accept the new normal, but I won't. I am lagging in my social life in that I don't bother to interact except for direct family members and those of my two brothers. Even then, those encounters are so limited, many have gone to my personal FB profile to find out if I'm still alive. I found that funny as hell for no one had bothered before, so why now? I guess they missed my tongue-in-cheek attitude and sarcastic opinions of the world around me. Truth is, I closed that particular page because I cannot bear seeing the many profile updates all involving lit candles (this is a local code that someone in the family of a friend died of the virus). 

Enough of real life. Let me talk about work. 

Well, I published a book, It's Not That Complicated. This story is very different from the ones I've written before in that it involves a character who has 5 alpha reductase syndrome. Sales are okay after an initial interest that propelled it to eXtasy Books' Bestseller list. It's currently available on Amazon, so if you're interested, go check it out. Available in Kindle and Paperback formats.

Coming soon are two books. I don't have the exact publication dates, but I do know Calling Birds will be released sometime in early December. I'm not allowed to say anything about this yet so I'll have to keep mum about it. Sorry! Rules are rules.

An Auction of Roses still has to go through the editing process, but I already have the cover. I can't tell what it's about yet, but it's actually a sequel to Winter Roses, Seasons To Love Book #1.

What else? Oh, yes. I am currently working on the second installment to Heart Held Hostage (HHH). Its style is very different from what you're used to coming from me. In fact, I must admit that my current style has changed. This pandemic did something to me, brought out so many feelings and thoughts I'd never before imagined.  After HHH, I'm going to either go write the last installment of the Taboo Series or the fifth installment to the Rise of the Symbionts

Am I working on anything else? Well, yes, and no...I'm doing research for another story. In fact, it doesn't have a working title and it's the third installment to Seasons to Love. But my muses [👇] are naughty individuals who take up a lot of my time and imagination with their constant life updates that's sent me to heaven several times a week. I'm exhausted, but I am obsessed with them, so no worries. TThis means that it may take some time to finish that particular sotry, or I may just decide to drop whatever I am working on so I can write the story and be done with everything. I'm really not the best when it comes to decisions, especially when my characters keep talking to me. They are so noisy! At least I, as well as you, are reassured that I am not running out of stories. Also, there's the fun fact that I have an entire folder of stories I have plotted out and have yet to finish. I'm not going to run out of stories any time soon, I can promise you that.


For now, I am not writing because of doctor's orders. My tendonitis is making eating impossible except using my right hand. I can't type without having to take medication for the pain. Another week or so of complete rest and I can go back full-time. 

If you've reached this point, I thank you sincerely. I love you, peeps, and I hope you have the patience to continue reading my stories.💗

Friday, October 9, 2020

It's Live! It's Not That Complicated #mm #erotic #LGBTQ #suspense #thriller #eXbdd


It's Not That Complicated

Published By: eXtasy Books
Author: Jo Tannah
ISBN: 978-1-4874-3002-3
Page: 259
Word Count: 77520
Estimated Publish Date: October 9, 2020
Heat Level: 3 Flames
Categories: Contemporary, Gay, GLBTQIA, Mystery, Romance , Suspense, Thriller, Noted

Buy Link


Loving freely in a world filled with social constraints can get complicated.

Many straight men are down on having a secret relationship with someone like Stash Burcell, but not out in the open. Living in such a close-minded society makes it hard for him to find someone he can trust, let alone surrender his heart to.

Anthony Charles Eisemann has only ever been out with women, though secretly he’d always been drawn to androgynous femme men who looked and dressed like women.

When Anthony meets Stash, their lives take a sudden turn from complicated to dangerous.