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I've been asked a lot about my books, especially the series ones. I have several. The common question is why I write the way I do. I fin...

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Update on The Champion: Rise of the Symbionts, Vol. II


I am nearing the end of this particular installment. Only 3 more chapters to go on the draft version. This means about another 15k+/- words left before The End, For Now, is written...this is the first of Vol II.

My not-so-nice news: because I had waited too long to finish this story, THE CHAMPION as a title is no longer viable. I have a policy of unique titles, and I lost my chance. 

That means, if I put up the final version, it won't be THE CHAMPION, but something else. I have given myself a deadline to submit by next week, Thursday...not even the I will be working hard.

This is also the reason why I have not updated Taboo Plans and All over on my FACEBOOK PAGE. As soon as I have submitted it, I will update Tris and Zach's story there. Do watch out for it.

I also have to insert several erotic scenes into (now formerly titled) The Champion...but that's the least of my worries. Coming up with a new title will be a tough one.

For those who have not yet, check out the series via the following links: 




Monday, September 6, 2021

...and now self-publishing is an open option

This. After all this time, it is suddenly open to me.

Note: I did self-publication back in 2016-2017, but I could never get to my profits due to lack of services. Beginning last month, I get notified that I now have the option to withdraw whatever earnings I made all those years ago. Unfortunately, since the last time I could access the service was 2017 March, the deductions dropped my money to ten dollars. 

I don't mind (I do, but what can I do?) I was able to withdraw from what was leftover. Next I get is an email from Amazon saying that because of the new services open, I can resume business. 4 years. Took only four years.

So, stay tuned. I may just drop something there to test the waters. If it works, I will dunk a foot.